Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs

Conference - Promoting the participation of women in economic and political decision-making

15-10-2015 / 16-10-2015 - Domaine thermal de Mondorf

During the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Ministry of Equal Opportunities, in cooperation with the National Council of Women of Luxembourg (CNFL), is organizing a major international conference with the participation of renowned national and international experts to deliberate on various strategies to promote the participation of women in economic and political decision-making.

On October 15th 2015, the conference will concentrate on the topic “Gender Equality in political decision-making” from 1.30 pm onwards et will be introduced by Ms Lydia Mutsch, minister for Equal Opportunities. Followed by a Key Note by Ms. Virginija Langbakk, Director of the European Institute on Gender Equality (EIGE) in Vilnius on the subject of “(Un)balanced decision-making: who’s holding the reigns?”. In the afternoon, a panel discussion will conclude on the topic of “Gender Equality in political decision-making” with Ms. Viviane Loschetter, President of the “Dei Greng” parliamentary group, Ms. Petra Meier, Professor of Political Science at the University of Antwerp and Director of the Policy Research Centre on Equality Policies, Mr. Alex Bodry, President of the LSAP parliamentary group, Ms Sylvie Andrich-Duval, Member of the CSV parliamentary group and Mr Lex Delles, Member of the DP parliamentary group and Mayor of Mondorf-les-Bains. The panel discussion will be lead by Ms. Christiane Kremer, Journalist (RTL Radio Luxembourg).

On October 16th 2015, the conference will be focused on the topic „Gender Equality in economic decision-making“ from 2.30 pm onwards and will be introduced by Ms Claude Wolf, President of Luxembourg National Council of Women (CNFL). Followed by a Key Note Speech on “Integrating Women in economic decision-making: a winning strategy!” by Ms Annie Cornet, Professor at the University of Liège, Head of the Research Unit EgiD – Gender Studies and Diversity Management. A panel discussion on “Gender Equality in economic decision-making” will bring together Ms Evelyn Regner, Member of the European Parliament for PSE, Rapporteur for the “Women on boards” directive, Mr Luc Verbeken, CEO ING Luxembourg, Ms Christiane Wickler, President of the Federation of Women entrepreneurs in Luxembourg (FFCEL), Mr Yves Elsen, CEO Hitec Luxembourg et Ms Denise Steinhäuser of BGL BNP Paribas. The panel discussion will be hosted by Ms Josiane Eippers (ADT Center). Last but not least Mr Heiko Maas, Minister of Justice of the German Federal Republic will give a speech on “The German experience in equal decision-making”.

The deadline for registration is October 12th 2015 at the Ministry for Equal Opportunities (Tel: +352-24785812; Fax: +352-241886; info@conferences-mega.lu).

  • Updated 14-10-2015