Agriculture and Fisheries
Informal Ministerial Meeting

Informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture

On 14 and 15 September 2015, an informal meeting of Ministers of Agriculture will take place in Luxembourg during the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Monday 14 September will be devoted to cultural visits in the north of Luxembourg. On Tuesday 15 September, the ministers of Agriculture will meet in the European Convention Center Luxembourg.

During the exchange of views which took place in the extraordinary meeting of the Agriculture Council, ministers expressed strong concerns about recent developments in a range of agricultural sectors, in particular the dairy and pigmeat sectors.

In response to the difficulties currently being faced by these sectors the Commission put forward a package of measures. These are intended to help address difficulties in cash-flow faced by farmers, stabilise markets and address the functioning of the supply chain. The agenda of the ministers meeting on Tuesday, 15 September will be “Evolution of the markets – further examination of the package”.

Press release of the Ministry of Agriculture, of Winery and Consumer Protection

  • Updated 14-09-2015