
Postal stamp — Special 'Presidency' edition

As for the last Luxembourg Presidency in 2005, the Post will launch again a special edition of 'Presidency' postage stamps on 1 July 2015.La Post lancera une édition spéciale de timbres-poste "Présidence" le 1er juillet 2015

This stamp will bear the logo of the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union. It is mainly in the colours of the Luxembourg flag.

For the two stamps (L50g / E50g), it was chosen to focus on the red square with '.lu' within it.

This logo is reinforced on the edge of the sheet by a strong visual identity, namely the silhouette of the city of Luxembourg - European capital - welcoming and open, thus combining tradition and modernity.

In order to offer users and philatelists a special stamp which is unique and reflects the innovative spirit of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, a completely new production process has been used to produce this special 'Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2015' edition.

These stamps are adhesive, perforated like normal sheets of stamps and scored for quick and easy use. This is the first time that these three techniques have been combined.

  • Updated 15-06-2015